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Be Ignacio acoustic - live

Fr., 08. Mai


Bahnhof Fischbach

on pre-release tour with her new album „Amazonia"

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Be Ignacio acoustic - live
Be Ignacio acoustic - live

Zeit & Ort

08. Mai 2020, 20:00

Bahnhof Fischbach, Eisenbahnstraße 15, 88048 Friedrichshafen, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

prerelease-tour new album 2020, july 10: "Amazonia"

line-up acoustic club tour

Bê Ignacio, BRA, voc

Janayna Schmidt, D/BRA, voc, perc

Emerson Villani, BRA, guitar, bass

Markus Schmidt, D, drums, clarinet, samples 


Bê Ignacio was born and raised as the daughter of an Afro-Brazilian father and a German mother in Sao Paulo, Brazil. 

Luiz Brasil, her producer and mentor and one of Brazil’s best guitar player and arranger who worked as musical director with such artists like Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Cassia Eller, discovered her talent and started to work with Be and her husband and drummer Markus Schmidt, producing her first album with Musica Popular do Brasil, Jazz and Bossa Nova. 

Now, 10 years later, after graduating from the Jazz Department of state music academy in Stuttgart and releasing 5 albums, Be Ignacio and Luiz Brasil re-encountered at the famous Bossa Nova Club „Beco das Garrafas“ in Rio and decided to work together with award-winning german musician, producer and trumpet-player Nils Wülker. Different from her former rather Pop-influenced albums, on „Amazonia“ she returns to a rather acoustic way of producing, with the classic brazilian voice-guitar-percussion trio as the heart of the band, completed by a luxurious string quartet with some of her family members who play in famous orchestras like the Vienna Philharmonic, Academy of St. Martin in the Fields or the Stuttgart chamber orchestra. Nils Wülker signs with 3 remixes that unique reduced, pulsing way of producing, full of space and well-thought electronic-acoustic accents, creating an equally sophisticated and catchy sound.

Bê Ignacio has been constantly expanding her radius of touring from Europe  around the World since 2008 and, undoubtedly, has become a true world music artist, with her natural and straight singing, and the semi-acoustic show with her more intimate line-up with guitars, samples, percussion and drums.

2020 will mark a return to her Brazilian roots with the new album called „Amazonia“

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© 2022 Be Musica GbR


Be Musica GbR
Be Ignacio & Markus Schmidt
Zogelmannstrasse 6
D-78462 Konstanz

Verantwortlicher gemäss
§ 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Markus Schmidt

Programmierung und Webdesign:
Markus Schmidt



Holger Hage

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